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What Is Iyengar Yoga?

Iyengar Yoga is a systematic approach to complete mind-body integration through awareness, posture, and breath. Iyengar Yoga practitioners learn how to move through their bodies with effortlessness and ease by unlocking a wellspring of healing that can only be harnessed through intelligent practice.

Known for its emphasis on precision and alignment, Iyengar Yoga is safe and accessible for everyone, while still offering a challenge for yoga practitioners at any level.

What sets Iyengar Yoga apart from other systems of yoga is its clarity. Iyengar Yoga teachers undergo years of training as students then apprentices, and finally teachers in order to hold the clarity of Iyengar Yoga within themselves. A Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher skillfully knows how to adapt and modify the classical practice of the system so that every student can obtain the Light of Yoga no matter what their level of ability or limitations may be.


My Background

In my entire life with Iyengar Yoga, I have only been trained by one teacher - Dr. Lois Steinberg, PhD, an advanced Senior Teacher within our tradition and largely seen as being one of the greatest teachers of Iyengar Yoga in the world today.

After studying with BKS Iyengar directly for nearly 40 years, Lois teaches in a full, embodied, and charismatic way, which is a teaching style that she imparts to her apprentices. I’ve travelled around the world with Lois and have studied not only her approach to asana practice and methodology, but also her specific approach to Iyengar Yoga Therapy.

Under the guidance of Lois, I have studied and applied Iyengar Yoga therapeutics to address common ailments, women’s reproductive health issues, pregnancy, structural imbalances, and overall organic wellbeing. Until 2020 I ran a weekly Yoga Clinic in which I assisted students in finding healing and relief from their chronic ailments through the application of the healing methodologies found in Iyengar Yoga.

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